Johnny depp public enemies quotes
Johnny depp public enemies quotes

johnny depp public enemies quotes johnny depp public enemies quotes

Unfortunately, a sniper on the wall shoots Dietrich in the back just as he is about to get into the car, mortally wounding him, and a furious Dillinger kicks Shouse out of the car. A running shootout ensues as the men run towards the waiting car. Everything goes as planned until Shouse suddenly beats a guard to death in a fit of rage and another guard gets shot. They force the guards to take off their uniforms at gunpoint. Dillinger admits to his identity, and at this point, he suddenly springs his handcuffs off, and he and Hamilton conjure shotguns and force the warden to open the door to the break room at gunpoint, at the moment that the other inmates come in.

johnny depp public enemies quotes

At the same time, the warden that meets Dillinger and Hamilton suddenly recognizes Dillinger. Inside the prison, several gang members, Charles Makley (Christian Stolte), Harry Pierpont (David Wenham), Ed Shouse (Michael Vieau), Homer Van Meter (Stephen Dorff), and Walter Dietrich (James Russo) acquire guns smuggled into the prison inside boxes of thread sent to the prison's shirt factory, with which they take a few guards hostage and march them to the changing rooms. The film opens in 1933 as John Dillinger (Johnny Depp) is brought to the Indiana State Prison by his partner John "Red" Hamilton (Jason Clarke), under the disguise of a prisoner drop (with Dillinger posing as the prisoner).

Johnny depp public enemies quotes